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5351 Dripper drip plate T

5351 Dripper drip plate T

정가 250,00 DKK
정가 할인가 250,00 DKK
할인 품절
세금이 포함됩니다. 배송료는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

T Size Plate – The Perfect Add-On for Your Coffee Brewing Setup

Meet the T Size Plate – the handy addition to complete your MK Dripper and MK Coffee Server setup. Think of it as a sleek little tray that keeps your brewing area neat and tidy, designed to catch leftover coffee drips and keep things clean.

But that’s not all – the T Size Plate also works perfectly as a dosing tray for coffee beans, making it easy to measure and prepare your brew. Whether you’re weighing out beans or keeping your setup organized, this plate is a practical and versatile tool for your coffee routine.

Handcrafted with care in our studio in Denmark, the T Size Plate is simple, practical, and fits seamlessly with your brewing gear. It’s the missing piece that brings everything together for a clean and stylish coffee setup.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Designed to complement the MK Dripper and MK Coffee Server
  • Keeps your coffee brewing area clean by catching drips
  • Doubles as a dosing tray for coffee beans, perfect for measuring
  • Handcrafted in Denmark with quality and care
  • Simple, sleek, and practical for everyday use
  • The perfect addition to your MK coffee brewing set

Get ready for a hassle-free brewing experience with the T Size Plate. Pair it with your MK Dripper and MK Coffee Server for a clean, functional, and stylish coffee setup.

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