Holy Bean - Ethiopian Shakisso ØKO Coffee Beans
Holy Bean - Ethiopian Shakisso ØKO Coffee Beans
From the lush highlands of Ethiopia, this coffee originates in the Guji region, renowned for its exceptional coffee. It is grown at the esteemed Shakisso Farm, operated by Haile Gebre, a pioneer in sustainable coffee farming.
Cultivation Details:
- Altitude: 1800 meters above sea level
- Variety: Arabica Mixed Heirloom
- Harvest Season: 2023/2024
- Processing Method: Washed (wet process), ensuring a clean and vibrant cup profile.
Taste Profile:
Ethiopian Shakisso ØKO delivers a bright and complex flavor, characterized by floral notes, citrusy acidity, and a smooth finish. The high-altitude cultivation and meticulous washed processing result in a cup that's as clean as it is vibrant.
Certified organic (ØKO), this coffee is grown with respect for the environment and a focus on maintaining the region's biodiversity.
Perfect for coffee enthusiasts seeking a distinctive, ethically produced coffee experience. Enjoy it as a pour-over, espresso, or filter coffee to savor its full potential.
Holy Bean - https://holybean.dk/
Located in the historic power station in Aarup on Vestfyn - Denmark, micro-roastery combines tradition with innovation. We prioritize pure, high-quality raw materials, sourcing the finest specialty coffees to deliver exceptional, sustainable flavor experiences.
We focus on light roasts that highlight soft, floral, and delicate flavor notes, creating a smooth and refined cup. Committed to sustainability, we work to minimize our environmental impact, with much of our range certified organic.
Holy Bean is where craftsmanship meets conscience – from the farmer’s hand to your perfect brew.
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유약 처리되지 않은 도자기 표면은 유약 처리된 도자기와 달리 가벼운 얼룩이 생기기 쉽습니다. 자주 세척하면 얼룩을 제거하고 예방하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 모든 제품은 매일 세척하고 관리하기 위해 식기 세척기에 넣을 수 있습니다. 세제 탭이 있는 따뜻한 물 그릇에 품목을 넣을 수도 있습니다. 매우 완고한 얼룩과 반점은 때때로 희석된 염소와 석회 제거제로 제거할 수 있습니다.
유약의 검은 선(보통 은식기로 인해 발생)은 설거지 비누와 베이킹 소다를 묻힌 스펀지로 문지르면 제거할 수 있습니다. 무광 유약의 기름 얼룩은 베이킹 소다와 물로 제거할 수 있습니다.
기름기 있는 지문이 나타나면 노출된 도자기를 식품 안전 오일로 문지르고 방치한 후 비누와 물로 닦으십시오.
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